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Residential building  Residential building
Developer Nikoli-M
123-125 Balgarska morava Str.
Completion date: 2012-10-30

Visits: 18835
date of update: 2012-05-15
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Residential building  Residential Building
Developer Delar
Mladost 1A
Completion date: 2013-06-01

Visits: 21174
date of update: 2012-04-03
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Residential building Office building Commercial/Retail building  Residential building
Developer Delar
4 Iskarski prolom Str
Completion date: 2012-05-31

Visits: 18796
date of update: 2012-04-03
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Residential building  Comfort home
Developer Konbul
Completion date: 2012-08-31

Visits: 14906
date of update: 2012-03-19
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