ARTEKS is a company established in 1993. It has its own design bureau and a real estate agency, and it completes the whole process – design, investment, construction and sale of real estate.

Residential building Commercial/Retail building  Tintyava 3
Tintyava Str.
Completion date: 2009-11-01

Visits: 12889
Residential building Commercial/Retail building  
Completion date: not available

Visits: 10768
date of update: 2015-07-01
Residential building Commercial/Retail building  
Completion date: not available

Visits: 10844
date of update: 2015-07-01
Commercial/Retail building  Vasil Drumev
4-6 Vasil Drumev Str.
Completion date: 2009-09-01

Visits: 14862
date of update: 2010-02-16