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Residential building Office building Commercial/Retail building  Residential building
Developer Delar
4 Iskarski prolom Str
Completion date: 2012-05-31

Visits: 18771
date of update: 2012-04-03
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Residential building  Residential building
11 Tvurdishki prohod str
Completion date: 2012-10-25

Visits: 10763
date of update: 2012-03-14
Residential building  Residential building
36 Simeonovsko shose Blvd.
Completion date: not available

Visits: 14412
date of update: 2011-11-25
Residential building Commercial/Retail building  Residential building
Developer Nikoli-M
35 Kliment Ohridski Blvd.
Completion date: not available

Visits: 15982
date of update: 2011-10-10
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