Top Developments



Residential building  Residential building
Developer SIT OOD
Tzaribrodska street
Completion date: 2011-05-31

Visits: 13816
date of update: 2011-03-21
Residential building Office building  Residential building
Developer Technoart
at the corner of Eng. Ivan Ivanov Blvd. and Aldomirovska Str.
Completion date: 2010-11-30

Visits: 10377
date of update: 2010-04-28
Residential building  Residential building
Developer Citybuilding
111-113 Dimitar Petkov Str.
Completion date: 2010-08-06

Visits: 10181
date of update: 2010-04-22
Residential building  Tri ushi 2
Developer Aladin Building
123 Tri ushi Str.
Completion date: 2009-08-01

Visits: 15353
date of update: 2010-04-09
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