София: Архив на продадените сгради на фирма Balkan Engineering Group

Residential building Office building  Residential building
73 Sredna gora Str.
Completion date: not available

Visits: 7017
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Residential building Office building  Residential building with offices
36-38 Vasil Petleshkov Str.
Completion date: 2010-11-30

Visits: 10205
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Residential building Office building  Residential and office building
30- 32 Georgy Minchev Str.
Completion date: 2010-07-01

Visits: 10372
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Residential building  Residential building
at the corner of Popova shapka Str. and Stoil Voyvoda Str.
Completion date: not available

Visits: 9712
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